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Dairy Menu:



              Nutri-Express Drink

              The Parmesan Cheese


              Yogurt Drink


This is what it says on butter:
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Butter from New Zealand in China, salted - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


Here are some milk labels: (Scroll down to see all examples)
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Chinese Milk, fresh, 1.5L - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy

Chinese Milk, pure, 242mL bag - Cows playing pingpong - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy

Chinese Milk, pure, 242mL bags - 2 different brands showing different fonts. Milk really does come in small bags. - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy

Chinese Milk, pure, 250mL box - Boxes, milk comes in little boxes too. - Yet another different font. - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


Nutri-Express drink has this on the label:
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Nutri-Express - some kind of fruit and milk drink. It's not afraid of sugar. - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


The Parmesan Cheese:
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Parmesan Cheese in China - Kraft Brand.  Definitely an import. - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


This is what you might find on the  yogurt label:
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Yogurt, original flavor, 2kg jug - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


And here's the yogurt drink label:
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 Yogurt Drink. No fear of sugar here either. - Grocery shopping in China - Dairy


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