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Ruth's Shoptalk

Chinese Specialties

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Chinese Specialties

        Fish Snacks

        Salty Duck Eggs

        Soup Balls

Fish Snacks: (Scroll down to see all examples)
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Fish Snacks - Sesame fish - Hunan local specialty - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

Fish Snacks - Black pearl fish - Hunan local specialty - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

Fish Snacks - Sweet and Sour fish - Hunan local specialty - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

Fish Snacks - Warning, very hot - Fermented Soybean fish - Hunan local specialty - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

Salty Duck Eggs:
Chinese Specialties menu     Categories

Salty duck eggs - and they're not kidding about the salty - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

Soup Balls
Chinese Specialties menu     Categories

Soup Balls - these are sweet rice balls with a tasty filling - Grocery shopping help in China - Chinese specialties

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