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Target Audience: Students
at Jiangnan University only. 感性诉求——说服江南大学学生戴自行车头盔* 理性诉求——列数校园骑车戴头盔的诸多理由(之一),如: 评选标准:鼓动性、新颖性、巧妙性、有效性 参赛对象:全体江南大学学生
营销专业学生与设计专业学生的激烈角逐!鹿死谁手?让我们拭目以待! 作为声势日益壮大的自行车头盔推广活动之一,所有获奖作品将在校园范围内印发!
*Your poster should convince students at Jiangnan University to wear a bicycle helmet or... Your poster should give university students a reason why wearing a helmet is cool Reasons you might give for wearing a bike helmet on campus: - it shows we value our brains and want to protect them. -it shows we are smart -it sets a good example for the Children of China -we can be the first university in China where students wear helmets. -we are the leaders of tomorrow, and wearing a helmet proves it. -surprise me with a reason I haven't considered.
Contest is open to all Jiangnan University students. Entries should be submitted as a jpeg attachment to an email addressed
to David Scott |
This website is owned and maintained by David James Scott